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And you might enjoy my (cheap) bathroom reader book, Treasure Trove in Passing Vessels

And don't miss my Hurricane Katrina blog.

Why "Wittenberg Nail"?

Martin Luther, ticked off, wrote 95 complaints (theses) against the Catholic hierarchy and nailed them on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany.

Inspired by a Christian satirical group, Wittenburg Door, I used a different name. My inspiration also comes from my own experience when I set foot on the very spot where Martin Luther spoke truth to power by telling the hierarchy, "Here I stand." Suzanne, son Mike and I lived in Heidelberg at the time.

Like the Hippies in the 1960s, I want to speak truth to power. Do you? Too often, people want to snuggle up to power, overlooking incompetencies and falsehoods. Yes, I've been guilty as charged. Time to make a change. But I don't want to be known as a Rambo rambler. I hope to persuade with beguiling and seductive prose and verse. I appoint you as judge. You can decide if I succeeded.

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