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My 95 theses

1. My understanding: neither the Calvinists and Arminians have the whole truth. In some cases, today's adherents believe things that their named authors didn't teach.
2. Perhaps others have a better grasp of eternal security, which embraces both the truths of God's sovereignty and our own need for perseverance, vigilance and diligence in avoiding sloppiness in our spiritual walk.
3. Misuse has corrupted the general understanding of tolerance  Example: In practice many advocate tolerance of any viewpoint or multicultural notion except the Judeo-Christian worldview, which is often denigrated, just as Jesus prophesied.
4. Misuse has corrupted such words as "Evangelical," "Fundamentalist" and "Christian." They've been reduced to stereotypes. I prefer to be known as a follower of Jesus.
5. Using the combined concepts of tolerance (as a desire for mutual understanding) and vigilance, I hope we (you and I, as well as society) can find common ground and, beyond that, to agree to disagree agreeably; moreover, when truth requires honest, sincere opposition, may its character be cordial confrontation.
6. While gray areas exist, so do universal and objective truths.
7. When someone says something is true for you but not for others, that all truth is relative and/or universal or objective truths do not exist, they just made a statement that they expect you to accept as a universal or objective truth!
8. Relative truths do not work in banking or when signing a contract.
9. When one disparages claims of biblical inerrancy, one misunderstands the claim. Mistakes exist in translations, punctuation, etc. The intended claim for inerrancy comprises the original manuscripts/autographs, more than 99 percent of which have been verified and affirmed by other manuscripts or authors, including non-biblical authors, e.g., Josephus.
10. Is the Bible literal? While many metaphors exist (e.g., God's feathers or arm), we can accept accounts as literal when the meaning, places, people are clear and affirmed.
11. One of the most important questions in the history of humankind: Where did I come from?
12. Another of the most important questions: Why am I here?
13. A third most important question: What is my eternal destiny?
14. The faith required to be an atheist/agnostic/secularist is exponentially far more than the simple faith needed to believe in God and His Son, Jesus.
15. The abundant evidences for the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are convincing, necessary and sufficient and, according to Dr. Gary Habermas in The Historical Jesus, they can win any debate to the contrary, using the premises accepted by skeptics.
16. Passages in the Bible that may record conversations shy of many eyewitnesses, such as the angel's announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary, can be accepted based on the necessary and sufficient evidences of the Resurrection of Jesus.
17. Much of the Bible enjoys the support of eyewitnesses who say so.
18. A number of skeptics, including lawyers, have set about to disprove or discredit the Bible and found it to stand up to intensive scrutiny. Many of these skeptics, sincere truth-seekers, have become strong believers.
19. A follower of Jesus has a relationship with God that is different than any other religion or philosophy. While others focus on attaining perfection through one's own efforts, or self-actualization, or self-worship, the follower of Jesus understands that Jesus came to show us that we are incapable of a performance that meets God's standards of perfection, that our falling short incurs the wrath of a just God, and that Jesus came to be the once-for-all sacrifice that satisfies God's wrath and reveals His love.
20. Jesus' sacrifice is null and void unless one accepts the gift and trusts Him as Savior and Lord in an eternal, personal relationship.
21. No better lifestyle of joy, even in the midst of difficult times, exists outside of a personal relationship with Jesus.
22. Jesus is our perfection. References upon request.
23. How does one become a follower of Jesus, assured of eternal life with Him? How can one know God personally?  Here's a good start.
24. How can I learn more about Jesus and how to live as He would live my life if He were me?
Study the Bible, starting with the Book of John in the New Testament, pray (converse with God who loves you, the follower of Jesus, as His friend), meet with fellow believers. Another helpful resource is this one.

25. Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation. – D. Elton Trueblood

26. BALANCE: The gospel on the left seeks to transform a broken society.

27. BALANCE: The gospel on the left often ignores sin.

28. BALANCE: The gospel on the right seeks to transform broken individuals.

29. BALANCE: The gospel on the right often abandons the convert and fails to follow-up with discipleship.

30. BALANCE: Both the gospel on the left and right will fail without fervent prayer.

31. Common ground: Mormons, like me, were made in the image of God, already sharing some of His attributes, such as free will and intelligence, but humankind's measure of these attributes fell short because of the fall from grace due to sin.

32. Vigilance: Mormons seek godhood, which was the reason Satan/Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven.

33. Common ground: Many Mormons and I share a number of conservative/traditional perspectives, such as pro-life and against same-sex marriage.

34. Vigilance: The historical account of the existence of magnificent cities, among some 4,000 errors in the Book of Mormon, have no archaeological evidence, unlike the people and places in the Bible. Even Mormon historians admit there is no archaeological evidence in the Book of Mormon, and Mormons must accept it all on faith. Even historical scholars at Brigham Young University were ex-communicated for pointing out bogus history (see The Mormons on the PBS website).

35. Common ground: Mormons and I believe in doing good works.

36. Vigilance: Mormons add dangerous words to Ephesians 2:8-10, which says salvation is "not of works." They add "after all we can do." When I challenged them on this, proposing that "all we can do" is far from enough, or how do we know how much is enough, they answered, "We just do the best we can." No we don't. I nor they ever do the best we can. Jesus is my only hope. His salvation is not based on my works nor performance. It is based on his blood through His death on the Cross.

37. If salvation cannot be earned through good works, what then is the purpose of good works? Sanctification, that is, seeking to join God in His good works in order to be more Christlike (not equal to Christ, but taking on progressively more of His attributes, chiefly love for God and our neighbor).

38. Trinity affirmed by an ex-Jehovah's Witness on The Bible Answer Man to a caller who chastised the convert for leaving JW: The ex asked, "Who raised Jesus from the dead?" Then he demonstrated that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit raised Jesus: Trinity raised Jesus

whereupon he concluded, "the Father, Son and Holy Spirit must [each/all] be Jehovah."

39. Two Jehovah's Witness ladies knocked on the door of an elderly woman, a follower of Jesus. After listening to their appeal, the elderly saint said, "I don't know a lot about theology, but I do know about Jesus, and you're talking about a different Jesus. The younger of the JWs went home, studied her Bible, came back and acknowledged to the saint that yes, she had been talking about a different Jesus than the One in the Bible. The elderly lady led her to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

40. Common ground: Jehovah's Witnesses accept the King James Bible. They can be led to the Jesus of the Bible by using KJV.

41. Vigilance: JWs claim that Jesus wasn't God, but in John 1:1 it says he is. JWs get wrapped around the axle by trying to put "a" before "God." With or without "a," he certainly is God without doubt, especially in context of the entire Bible.

42. A text without context is a pretext for a proof text.

43. It is remarkable that in all of his writings Paul’s prayers for his friends contain no appeals for changes in their circumstances. --Timothy Keller

44. Common ground: Mormons and I welcome children into the world.

45. Vigilance: Mormons believe people were once spirit children in Heaven and were given bodies when they were born on earth. John 3: 13,31 contradicts this, saying that only one person came from Heaven, namely Jesus.

46. Other faiths, in trying to work for their salvation, never know when or if their works are enough. They have no assurance of salvation. I do, and I invite you to have that assurance.

47. For [Christ’s] benefits [incessantly] to give him thanks. To buy the time that I before have lost. –Sir Thomas More

48. - To think of my most enemies my best friends. For the brethren of Joseph could never have done to him so much good with their love and favour as they did him with their malice and hatred. These minds are more to be desired of ever man than all the treasure of all the princes and kings, Christian and heathen, were it gathered and laid together all upon one heap. -Sir Thomas More

49. Contrasts - "The most striking thing about Our Lord is the union of great ferocity with extreme tenderness. (Remember Pascal? ‘I do not admire the extreme of one virtue unless you show me at the same time the extreme of the opposite virtue. One shows one’s greatness not by being at an extremity but by being simultaneously at two extremities and filling all the space between.’)" --C.S. Lewis on "Narnia."

50. Abortion - Without context & comprehensive knowledge of the Bible, one can “prove” almost anything, by selective excerpts and editing. A text without context is a pretext for a proof text. Example: “Judas went out and hanged himself….Go and do thou likewise.” Pro-abortionists, thus, will say that Jesus and the Old Testament never said anything about abortion and had the opportunity, since abortion was practiced in Bible times. This ignores the context and comprehensive teaching of the entire Bible. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is but one of many applicable passages, as this indicates: pro-life.

51. Does God still speak to us? Absolutely! This weekend I lost a hearing aid worth thousands of dollars. My wife and I turned the house upside down. Since I had reclined in my favorite chair, we turned it over, end-over-end and searched every crevasse. Nothing. We re-searched elsewhere. Suddenly, God gave us both an inaudible instruction at the same time (just like he told his disciples to cast the net on the other side of the boat): “Turn the recliner on its side.” We did, and sure enough, the hearing aid was lodged in an unseen hiding place under the chair’s arm! Thank You, Lord! Hearing God 

52. Disputable matters: Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. --Romans 14:1. My friend Gene knows someone whom a number of people lightheartedly accuse him of having “saved everyone because they prayed the sinner’s prayer” even though their subsequent lives are anything but Christian. But other Christians tread lightly with this brother, because he has come a long way, having committing his life to Christ after serving time for killing a man. No need to pin him down on theological trivia if his own heart is right. Disputable matters 

53. No guilt – A pastor heard that an elderly woman had conversations with God and called her in. “You talk to God?” “Yes.” “And He answers you?” “Of course!” He asked her to do him a favor and ask God what his secret sin was in seminary. “I’ve asked forgiveness, but it still bothers me.” A week later, he saw her and asked, “Did you ask God what my secret sin was?” “Yes.” “What did He say?” “He said He doesn’t remember!” C.S. Lewis: "I've been talking of the past in order that you may turn from it forever. You can begin as if nothing had ever gone wrong. White as snow." Just ask!  Psalm 103:12 

54. Legalism – Dallas Willard points out powerful moves of the Holy Spirit that have transformed lives of those participating, resulting in voluntary, genuine behavioral changes for the good. The problem, he says, comes from imposing those behaviors on others who had no involvement in the revival and failing to teach the reasons behind the conduct. “Biblical principles without Biblical thinking leads to short-term obedience and long-term frustration.” –Dean Anderson. Make sure your “rules” are biblical and not merely human. “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ…. So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality. Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial or the worship of angels, saying they have had visions about these things.” Colossians 2-3 

55. Common ground: With Seventh-Day Adventists, I can accept the benefits of eating as a vegan - it's good for my diabetes.

56. Vigilance: I asked a Seventh-Day Adventist friend why most Adventists are vegetarians, considering the biblical accounts of killing the fatted calves for feasts and the Peter’s sheet vision in which Jesus declared forbidden animals clean. He said he believed meat-eating commenced only after the Fall. No one in the Garden of Eden ate meat. As for the sheet, he believed that symbolized Gentiles and deemed them eligible for the Gospel.

57. Common ground: Adventists and I accept the authority of the Bible.

58. Vigilance: Adventists, discussing the second resurrection and separating the sheep from the goats, believe that unbelievers (those who haven't trusted in Christ) are annihilated, as opposed to a conscious, lasting torment in Hell. This is too risky not to trust in Jesus. These two books provide illumination: Erasing Hell and Divine Conspiracy 

59. Persevere. “We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5 “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are [powerful].” –Calvin Coolidge

60. Look for Jesus in the Old Testament. Psalm 22 is a picture of Jesus’ crucifixion centuries before such torture was invented. Don’t teach children to be a David fighting their Goliaths. David was a type of Jesus, and Jesus is best equipped to fight our Goliaths. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.

61. Mistakes - I made too many in life. I might have had more success in the Air Force and life with more mentoring. For example, I was too reserved and cautious in the Air Force and leaders initially passed me over for major (I got two more promotions in the Reserve and National Guard). A mentor would have counseled me on how to achieve greater excellence while enjoying the experience.

62. Poster in young son Mike's room: "Work like everything depends on me; pray like everything depends on God."

63. Common ground: Catholics and I have a high view of the authority of the Bible.

64. Vigilance: Catholics put too much emphasis on tradition, and sometimes tradition has gone awry.

65. Few of us are equipped to “straighten anyone out,” says Dallas Willard. He blames the controversy over the Vietnam War, in part, to the generation gap caused by elders trying in vain to straighten out youngsters. He doesn’t say we shouldn’t teach the right things, but it’s how we go about it. Instead, we should earnestly pray and use “the power of the request”: Picture yourself exhausted and hungry, you come home after work and fix yourself your favorite sandwich. You sink into your favorite chair, mouth watering. Suddenly a pair of eyes meet yours. Your dog gives you that look. You have encountered the irresistible forces of the universe, the overwhelming power of the request.

66. Common ground: Catholics and I regard Communion as a sacrament.

67. Vigilance: 3 views - transubstantiation, believing that the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Jesus; consubstantiation, believing as Lutherans than Jesus is "with" the bread and wine; most Protestants believe the bread and wine (or juice) are symbolic: "This do in remembrance of me." I believe in the latter. Why? The Communion is based on the Passover Meal, during which Jews eat the bread of affliction. It's not actual affliction, but symbolic. Friend Gene knows a Catholic who is a recovering alcoholic and accompanied him to Mass. "What's in the chalice?" Gene asked. "Blood," the Catholic alcoholic answered. But he couldn't drink it, he said, because he was an alcoholic. But if it were the actual blood of Jesus, it would be harmless.

68. Common ground: Catholics and I respect and study the history of the invisible, universal Church - the Body of Christ.

69. Vigilance: Catholics believe their church practiced their essential doctrines (e.g., Communion, priestly forgiveness of sin) from the very beginning. Not so much. Doctrine timeline 

70. Why pray? "...your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!" I believe, in order to have a one-on-one conversational friendship with us, He purposely restrained His dynamic power to allow input from His friend & brother (me/you). I know this is true from examples in scripture. Moreover, He heard my prayer before the beginning of time and began rearranging the universe to answer my prayer - and my own examples are many (ask me).

71. Is the Bible sexist? Jesus lifted the status of women more than any other. "Many take offense at using the masculine word 'sons' to refer to all Christians, male and female. Some would prefer to translate Galatians 4:26: 'You are all children of God' (as the NIV 2011 does). But if we are too quick to correct the biblical language, we miss the revolutionary (and radically egalitarian) nature of what Paul is saying. In most ancient cultures, daughters could not inherit property. Therefore, 'son' meant 'legal heir,' which was a status forbidden to women. But the gospel tells us we are all sons of God in Christ. We are all heirs. Similarly, the Bible describes all Christians together, including men, as the 'bride of Christ' (Revelation 21:2). God is evenhanded in His gender-specific metaphors. Men are part of His Son’s bride; and women are His sons, His heirs. If we don’t let Paul call Christian women 'sons of God,' we miss how radical and wonderful a claim this is." -- Timothy Keller

72. The atheist's most quoted Bible verse: "Judge not that ye be not judged." Of course, they miss the context and forget we all make judgments every day. The key is to judge in humility and after self-examination. We must remove the log in our own eye. But the speck is still there in our neighbor's eye and must be properly removed. Nevertheless, if I am "God's little FBI agent," I have missed the enormity of my own sin. What good does it do if I win the hearts of the whole world and lose my own family? Judging
73. The Bible has much to say about beauty. Various cultures view beauty in different ways. A friend of mine likes his women big like him. TV and the movies have produced grotesque distortions of true beauty. If a woman actually existed proportional to Barbie, she'd look anorexic. The Bible emphasizes inner beauty produced by Christlikeness. Song of Solomon? It's about Christ and His bride, the church, whom Jesus will present to the Father flawless and without blemish. Here are some "beauty tips"
74. Why did Jesus tell the rich young ruler he could be saved by obeying the commandments and by selling all he had? Jesus wanted to demonstrate that one didn't and couldn't keep the commandments perfectly (falling short and needing redemption), and pointing out the ruler's "idol," the one thing he loved more than God. What or whom do you and I love more? Rich ruler 
75. Don't embrace a doctrine/belief/practice based on one obscure reference. The Bible requires the testimony of two or three witnesses. Examples of false practices from twisting an obscure passage are snake handling and baptism of the dead. The latter is discussed here: False doctrine 

76. Lord, lead me today to someone who needs the love of shared strength from bountiful resources that You have given to me.

77. You and I have won the lottery! We live here and now instead of sitting on an ant hill in Ethiopia 4,000 years ago.

78. What a breathtaking thought: we live on this side of Calvary.

79. "When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." Luke 12:48 Example

80. He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

81. The death of liberalism, one author wrote: Classic liberals considered all sides of an issue and favored the wisest choice. Then radicals invaded Harvard and conducted a sit-in. Many radicals hung around to become professors. Now, instead of classic liberalism, it is a militant "my way or the highway": elitists who think you are too stupid to run your lives, and so the elite must decide for you.

82. Thank a liberal for better race relations and women's rights.

83. Thank a conservative for trying to save your children and grandchildren from staggering national debt, for a pro-life stance that insisted that you and yours have a right to born, and for the rights of unborn women and minorities.

84. Thank a liberal for considering others' right to worship as they choose.

85. Thank a conservative for reminding liberals that freedom of religion means Judeo-Christian as well.

86. Many people practice compartmentalization of their lives. Example: faithful at church, secular everywhere else.

87. A follower of Jesus is to integrate his faith into every part of his life - no hidden compartments. That's why it's appropriate to express one's faith in the public square, just like the atheist expresses his in the public square. Abide in him moment-by-moment. --Andrew Murray. Caution: do you want Satanists to express their faith in the public square?

88. Switching to a positive mental attitude changed my life for the better, but Coach Bobby Knight provided perspective: he didn't inspire teams by rah-rah emotion. He told them all the ways they would lose unless they fixed them. My friend Gene is a pessimist, and he more often is pleasantly surprised. The Power of Negative Thinking

89. Dallas Willard suggests we don't do the Great Commission very well, to make disciples. We try to make converts. I know several people who "went through the motions," who acted like disciples, and in the process, they discovered their need to trust in Jesus. Willard says we should focus more on making disciples and let evangelism take care of itself.

90. Dallas Willard also says the Kingdom of God is as close as our breath. We should be preparing ourselves and honing our skills to carry on our work in the after-life. Song: "I wanna get so close to him that there's no big change on that day that Jesus calls my name." One Day

91. No, Jesus isn't my crutch. He's my wheelchair. God isn't looking for the confidently accomplished. He's looking for broken people. A church isn't a shrine for perfect people; it's a hospital for wounded people.

92. What can keep you out of Hell? Not signing a card. Not walking an aisle. Not saying a prayer. He that began a good work in you (did you invite him?) will complete the work! Philippians 1:6 
93. Believe in eternal security and call yourself a Calvinist if you choose, but conduct your life like an Arminian! Eternal security's 2 walls

94. When you invite Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life, you have all of the Holy Spirit as a new person in Christ. A subsequent trip to the altar may be necessary for what is variously called consecration or Baptism of the Holy Spirit or Infilling of the Holy Spirit or re-commitment or sanctification (a lifelong process): That's when you are empowered and the Holy Spirit has all of you!

95. Because there is now no condemnation for those who trust in Christ, we can live a life of risk and do what no one else can do - things that would shock the world! Wow! Read this.

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