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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

One of Mom's best stories - we can learn from little ones

Mom taught Junior Church and Kids' Club for years, one time taking time to walk with a boy afraid to step inside the church. She won him over, first in a classroom one-on-one.

But Mom's most memorable story was about a little girl lost in the woods after a Sunday School picnic. 

Several hours later a search party found the girl kneeling by a tree saying, "A...B...C...D...E...F...G...H...I...J...K...L...M...N...O...P..."

The rescuers picked her up, hugged her and then asked her, "Why were you saying the alphabet over and over?"

"I didn't know what to pray," she explained, "and so I just gave all the letters to God and asked Him to string them together into the right words."

She fell silent for a moment and then lit up with a smile.

"He answered me!"

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